Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance of Play in Children Essay

In the life of an infant there are many important for the healthy development and learning, however there are many variations on how to learn and develop, by the influence exercised in the future environment. Among all variations which may be mentioned one of utmost importance is the game for all the benefits that entails. Play is where the child occupies most of their time, encouragement and the acquisition of a full development in areas that would not be achieved otherwise. Supplementing play time to the early years of the child is of paramount importance, because this way they create emotional ties to the person who accompanies him on his playing time. The development of both cognitive and psychomotor also is achieved with the help of the game. Most of the game has as main focus to educate, is a method used as therapy for children’s learning. Play helps a child not only to entertain also a way to communicate, according to a recent report articulo. org (2011) is the natural way they have to communicate. Experiencing the environment will give them the ability to develop imagination, reality reflect and change his game. The importance of play in the lives of children in the first months, where everything is at your fingertips in a toy including his own body, his hands and feet. The game is to educate the child from his first moves; early education positively reinforces the child’s development. The child is born with the need to learn everything during their life cycle, because they only know how to eat and mourn. The babies need to play is constant, however the games for baby stimulation should be used with caution always thinking age. The game is directly tied to the limitations of the baby, example would be when he considers the baby babbling and playing with bubbles of saliva while moving his limbs, has cognitive as well as psychomotor limitations. The development will be giving as time passes, because anger having more movement and coordination to reach other levels of play. The use of sensory play helps child development, games where touch, vision and hearing play a central role. The game that touch help to develop a greater capacity, due to the different textures of toys, squeeze toys, direct contact with the environment, but also help the child’s hearing and vision. The motivation to child through auditory stimuli, help in its development, the ability to identify auditory stimuli while playing will help in their development. The visual stimuli used in games such as colors, shapes of animals will be of great help to the baby’s cognitive development. The dedication of the adults to play with their children is essential for the development and utility you may have. The toys are inanimate objects until someone uses them and gives them life in the middle of the game for one of many reasons for parents to become involved in their children’s development through play. Children and the game is tied, will be the basis to prepare individuals to be productive in adulthood. The game is and will be an essential part of child development, support generated by the game in different areas of the child is more than enough reason to consider it very important. The importance of parents to be part of the game, but you have to be strengthened day by day involvement. The benefits of play are but the consequences it may have on the child and child development will be very helpful in their life cycle. INFLUENCE OF GROUPS IN CHILDREN. Humans learn socialization through peer groups share which have an important role in the development during early childhood. The mom and dad influence helps to add the basic values that are the foundation, but the influence of a peer group is extremely strong in the child’s upbringing. Children socialize with their peers without being totally controlled by the power of their parents, and are free to socialize and be influenced by the group. The need felt by children of recognition and acceptance by others in your group. According to Sharon Powell (2009), the Leadership Training Center Princeton in his research found that peer acceptance influences the sense of security, the perception of the importance and independence in decision-making. Powell also noted in his research that supports the theory that happiness and adjustment of children, depends largely on the development of relations of the group they belong at specified times. The realization of the positive or negative influence on a child should be identified as soon as possible, however positive pressure monitored groups can be of great help to the child. A negative group can lead to bad behaviors, which the group perceives as acceptable. Negative influences in children compared with positive influences, you could tell from the breeding sites each child, the disproportionate percentages of conduct against misconduct in many cases leading to criminal situations. The negative orientation of the group is an important moderator of conduct between the influence and values established by the company, which is reflected in the child’s life during adolescence and adulthood. Imitation and realization among children is an element of similar behaviors, so the importance of specific lifestyle takes, such as games. Keeping children engaged in sports, academic, religious and other child would influence the direction to follow rules and be a productive part of society. The reality is that the groups are very important in children, but if they are unable to focus groups with pre-set goals, like-minded baseball teams overseas camps, that will keep the child focused on the ultimate prize. The groups have an important role in child development and should not be avoided by thinking of the negative influence which may represent the child. Socialization is very important in the development of the child, meet new friends, independence from parents in times of play, teamwork, and many other benefits that this brings. Acceptance of the groups and maintaining a monitoring group to which the child belongs is of utmost importance, however the successful development of the child to share with their peers will be paramount in making a choice for the father to allow or not group sharing. REFERENCES (2011) articulo. org (2009) Powell, Sharon http://www. princetonleadership. org

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Informative Outline (Anxiety)

Introduction I. Think about a time when your breathing quickened, your muscles tensed, and your heart pounded with a sudden sense of dread. II. Was it when your car almost went off the road from the rain? Or maybe when your teacher announced you had a test? III. Anytime you face wheat seems to be a serious threat to your well-being, you may react with the state of immediate alarm known as fear. IV. You may not always be able to pinpoint a specific cause for your alarm, but still you feel tense and edgy. V.I’m going to inform you all on what it’s like to live a day in a person’s life who has anxiety disorder. VI. Thesis: There are a few things you should know to truly be able to understand someone who has anxiety disorder: A. What anxiety is. B. Symptoms of anxiety C. The causes of anxiety D. The effects of anxiety E. Treatments for anxiety Body I. Anxiety is usually defined as a vague sense of being in danger. A. It has the same features as fear; including increa se in breathing, muscular tension, perspiration, and so forth. B.Sometimes anxiety keeps people on their toes meaning; we may drive more cauciously in a storm, pay attention to due date more, and leaving your house in enough time to be where you need to be a little early. C. However, some people experience such disabling fear and anxiety that they cannot lead a normal life. 1. Their discomfort is severe which sometimes last too long or is triggered easily. 2. These are people who are said to have anxiety disorder. D. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States. transition; People with generalized anxiety disorder experience constant worry. ) II. Because each person has a unique chemical make up; the type number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. A. Symptoms of anxiety; feel restless, keyed up, or on edge; tire easily; have difficulty concentrating; suffer from muscle tension; and have sleep problems. 1. The symptoms last at least six months. 2. Usually it appears in adolescence or childhood. 3. Women diagnosed with the disorder out-number men 2 to 1. . Studies have found that people in highly threatening environments are indeed more likely to develop this disorder. a. For example months and even years following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the rate of generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders were twice as high of residents who lived through the disaster than people who lived elsewhere. B. Other anxiety symptoms are described as being like a hypochondriac in other words have constant worry over: 1. Having a heart attack. 2. Having a serious undetected illness. 3.Losing control of thoughts or actions. 4. And being alone. C. It’s not uncommon with anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Nearly one half of those diagnosed with anxiety are also diagnosed with depression. (transition; With anxiety disorder some people can hold a job and function so cially, where others can’t even leave their homes. ) I. The exact cause of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is unknown however, evidence that biological factors, family background, and life experiences, particularly stressful ones, play a role.A. Anxiety could be genetically inherited or also something that we create. B. Parents can also mentally cause or pass their own anxiety on by the ways they have raised you and the way they have taught you to interact with the world. (transition; Only about 1/3 of those suffering seek treatment. ) I. While medications and other therapies reduce symptoms and help diminish anxiety, we shouldn’t consider it a cure. A. Learning what anxiety is, what it does to the mind and body, and more importantly, what you can do to eliminate it IS the cure. B.Anxiety is a condition that has the potential to return again and again unless you receive the proper information, help, and support from your loved ones. 1. Knowledge is the power to reco very. C. Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, exercise, and other alternative treatments may also become part of the treatment plan. 1. If you have co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression it should also be treated appropriately. (transition; 40 million adults ages 18 and older suffer from this disorder making it the most common mental illness in the United States.Conclusion I. I am one who experiences this disorder. A. Because I do experience this disorder, I understand it intimately. B. If you have any questions about your anxiety it can be helpful to not only talk with a therapist but also to someone who has actually experienced the disorder because we aren’t going to be stumped, or puzzled by your symptoms and you don’t have to feel embarrassed. II. I hope after learning more about Generalized Anxiety Disorder you can use the information I provided to help and support someone you know that is experiencing this terrible disorder.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Security Roles In An Organization Research Paper

Security Roles In An Organization - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that the protection of an organization’s asset is very relevant for the growth and development of the organizations. For most organizations, there are specialized departments and units that take care of the management of their assets. Protection of asset is however seen in most contexts as a security issue and so its management and for that matter protection is left in the care of competent security professionals. In this paper, the results gathered from an interview with security personnel on the role security plays in protecting an organization’s assets are discussed. Professional responsibilities of security directors One of the major aspects of the interview touched on the roles that various security professionals play in the organizations. With a specific emphasis on the security director, it was realized that the role that the security plays in the organization is multi-variant. What this means is that the security director’s role cuts across several aspects of the organization’s asset management. Generally, the security director is expected to protect two major types of asset, namely tangible and intangible assets (Kolsaker and Lee-Kelley, 2008). Tangible assets are those types of assets that can be touched and seen such as vehicles, money, buildings, machinery, computers, manufactured products, and others. Intangible assets are those assets that cannot be seen or touched. These include database, copyright property, human capital, talent pipeline, organizational strategy, among others. As part of protection, the security director is mandated to prevent loss. This means that the security director is obliged to ensure that the quantitative value of the company’s asset will either remain same or they will appreciate. Under no justifiable condition should there be a reduction. To make this position, investigations and other administrative and managerial functions are required. In effect, the security d irector uses a preventive approach to protection so that losses will not occur before means of retrieving losses would even be talked about. Critical skills required for security personnel Having noted the depth of responsibility that the security director and for that matter security had in protecting the asset of the organization, the question of critical skills required for the execution of the roles were asked. It would be noted that the rendering of security service is seen as a professional duty and so comes with some well defined skills and knowledge that a person ought to possess in order to function effectively in that duty (Gray, 2004). The interviewee thus stressed that, observational skills, critical thinking skills, organizational skills, self control, innovativeness, being visionary, and interpersonal relationship were all skills that were needed for a person to function actively. From the skills that were named by the interviewee, there were three major categorization s that could be given to them. The first of these is personal development skills; second is group development skills; and third is organization development skills. In effect, the critical skills required for a security coordinator to succeed should be ones that make the coordinator proactive as a person, gives him the ability to work effectively in a team, and finally take the holistic skill of functioning

Friday, September 27, 2019

Integration of Faith and Learning I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Integration of Faith and Learning I - Essay Example To begin with, one might point out that in spite of the fact that the above mentioned verse does not define what â€Å"a good name† is, it clearly states the supremacy of character over temporal values such as money. In other words, this verse urges a person to put emphasis on personal spiritual development and have a sound, well developed character instead of a bank account full of money. This means that working on oneself is more preferable than spending time on earning additional money. The logic behind this is quite simple: while money is a resource that can be destroyed easily (spend or inflate), good character as well as a good name that comes with it will never spoil. Secondly, the same verse might also be applied to a firm. In this case, a good name should be understood as reputation and riches – financial funds. Indeed, the above mentioned abstract of the Bible teaches firms to pay attention toward building a good reputation in stead of accumulating financial resources. The logic that this guideline features is similar to the one that was discussed previously: a firm should not consider money to be basis of its prosperity, but rather a good reputation that can last for many years, while money can be arrested or blocked, leaving a firm helpless. Finally, one would make no mistake suggesting that the above mentioned verse might be interpreted in terms of marketing and management. Thus, the Bible argues that it is highly beneficial for a company to contribute to its reputation in different ways. For example, it is important to avoid involvement in scandals and make sure that every employee is working on strengthening firm’s positive image which will later be used as a competitive advantage when it comes to positioning on the market. Having examined all the points mentioned in the paragraphs above, in spite of the fact that the Bible is largely considered to be a sacred book of a particular religion, the ideas that it embraces may not

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Risk Management In The Airline Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk Management In The Airline Industry - Essay Example This essay compares two worldwide famous airline corporations such as British Airways and EasyJet. At the end of 2008, the total revenues of British Airways earned were 15,012 million dollars. As opposed to British Airways which is a larger corporation and a major fleet carrier, EasyJet is the largest low fare airline for leisure and business passengers, operating all over Europe. In both airline companies, the element of risk and insurance policies are highly managed. This essay focuses on ways that these companies use to reduce losses and gain certain profits. The main aspects of risk, that are discussed in this comparative essay are: the single loss of aircraft or its part, a collision between two aircraft, terrorist acts, economical crises, pandemics and changes in government regulation or laws. Insurers of the big airline companies, such as British Airways need to plan for such events and to create a special insurance funds. That is why risk managment is highly important issue these days. This essay also contains some tables on fuel pricing and currency rates throughout recent years and a risk management strategy, that provides the airline with protection against sudden increases in oil prices. In conclusion of this comparative essay, British Airways and EasyJet are also analyzed on their complicated strategies to managing changeable currentsy rates and fuel pricing, including the increasing of ticket pricing, foreign exchange conversions and hedging to manage these risks.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Comparison between two UK companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

A Comparison between two UK companies - Essay Example The success of Sofitel hotel shows the level of success of its marketing strategy while the dwindling profitability of the Britannia Hotels shows the failures of the marketing strategies the hotel employs as the analysis below portrays. Sofitel hotel is a five star hotel that offers a number of high quality services including spa, luxury rooms and conference facilities among many others. The hotel has a number of services that continue to grow its services after realizing that diversification is the key to achieving profitability. The chain management of the hotel has succeeded in developing high-end hotels in a number of leading destinations across both Europe and the United States. The Sofitel Hotels in the United Kingdom enjoy immense success and profitability evident in the growth of the hotel’s services and facilities. The success of Sofitel Hotel arises from a number of factors key among which is the provision of high quality services. The level of cleanliness of the rooms, diversity of cuisines and level of hospitability of the wait staff at the hotel enhances the quality of services at thereby succeeding building a desirable name for the hotel. The quality of services of the hotel is effective in creating a desirable reputation for the hotel. Travelers come to the hotel owing to referrals from their friends while numerous others are returning customers who confessed their love and admiration of the level of professionalism of the employees of the hotel coupled with the level of hospitality and serenity of the hotel (Venison, 2005). The hotel employs a number of effective marketing strategies all of which continue to enhance its profitability. The hotel has an efficient chain management that has succeeded in developing appropriate customer loyalty reward programs (OFallon & Rutherford, 2011). The chain has a number of facilities throughout

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

America Post-Civil War Growing Pains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

America Post-Civil War Growing Pains - Essay Example This period was the second major turning point in a long list that occurred in this particular period. It had far-reaching consequences for America’s social and political life. There were many changes to the laws at the national level, which promised a new breathing space for the African-American population, there was also a promise from the national government to protect the rights of the new citizens of American Republic (Foner, Mahoney, pp. II, 1995). Therefore, the paper enters into a discussion of the impact of the two major turning points, which occurred after the civil war, as well as considering the different effects of the laws that were passed during this period. It is essential to identify crucial differences that led to the changing of the economic, political and social life of Americans. While the industrial expansion was concentrated in the North, the country witnessed massive rates of economic growth. There was a huge expansion of agriculture and industry, as we ll as a growth in population. Much of the economic growth occurred in Northeast, Midwest and plain states. The South remained largely agricultural. One of the reasons that the North was able to pursue its agenda of economic progress was because the Southern states provided no opposition. A major reason for the huge economic growth was the different innovations, which changed the scale and scope of manufacturing. This was expressed by approximately 45,661 patents that were released in 1897 compared to 1045 issued in 1844. These innovations included the typewriter, calculating and adding machines, the cash register and the Kodak camera. There was a boom in the textile industry, as a result of the improvements in the technology, such as looms and faster spindles in weaving (Gale, 1999).This resulted in huge changes within American society, driven by mass immigration, and urbanization. During this time, America became what it is now, largely shaped by the phrase ‘The American Drea m,’ which was the dream of every immigrant who set foot on our shores during the reconstruction period. During this stage of industrialism, there was little or no leisure time for factory workers and many managers and professionals. An average American may have witnessed an increase in economic growth, but they also faced problems of pollution, and disturbances to their lifestyles, because of the different influx of immigrants (e-history, 2012). The other major turning point of American history, which occurred during the reconstruction period, was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. This was a result of the Lincoln administration’s determination to force immediate unification of the North and the now defunct Confederacy, moving former slaves along the road to freedom; Lincoln tried to pave the road, which would eventually lead to emancipation. Eventually, Lincoln included the African-Americans in the military in the North, so they could aid in the war effort to fight against the Confederacy. Following the end of the civil war and during the reconstruction plan, Lincoln tried to persuade many states to abolish slavery, and in most cases, he proved to be unsuccessful. The Thirteenth Amendment, which Lincoln worked towards with the Republicans eventually, abolished slavery in the entire country (Foner, Mahoney, pp. 22-24, 1995). It cannot be stated explicitly the way Reconstruction would have been

Monday, September 23, 2019

Middle east studies global prespectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Middle east studies global prespectives - Essay Example There are numerous progressive laws that have been devised in regard to education in Lebanon but they are yet to be enforced. These laws have a potential of improving the Lebanese education system and consequently improving the life of the Lebanese (Samira, Achim & Sarhan 64). Also, it can promote respect and understanding among all political and religious groups in Lebanon. Education in Lebanon is compulsory. Compulsory education in the country was adopted as early as 1736 and influenced the adoption of the compulsory education in Ottoman Empire in 1869 (Hamdan 5). The compulsory education was abandon by the Ottoman Empire rulers but was readopted in Lebanon in 1959. In 1971, the Lebanese education system established Education Centre for research and Development (ECRD) (Hamdan 5). ECRD has a responsibility to drafting state schools’ textbooks, setting the curriculums and overseeing the Lebanese education system at large. Lebanon took part in the world conference that adopted World Declaration on Education for All which classifies education as a human right. This made Lebanese education system to set several objectives and means to achieve them. These objectives include broadening the means and scope of basic education, facilitating universal access to learning and promoting equity. ECRD also changed the curriculum to include subjects such as The atre, Arts and IT at the basic education level. The ministry of education and higher education in 2004 published national strategy for education for all. Lebanon education system consists of primary education and intermediate education, secondary education, vocational and technical education, and higher education (Samira, Achim & Sarhan 55). Primary education in Lebanon has been free since 1987. English, Arabic, and French are the instructional medium in the private schools. The duration of Lebanese primary education is 5 years (Hamdan 15). After completion of primary

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Research on the company Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On the company - Research Paper Example In addition, the website does provide access to shopping where the buyer can browse through different art-related novelty merchandise. This merchandise includes T-shirts with different artists’ slogans or artistic work, as well as modern art sculpture and tables at fairly reasonable prices. However, this aspect of the site’s sales services are more for niche market buyers looking for interesting goods related to their art needs and values. Besides this small shopping angle, is about knowledge transfer to the reader. is about connecting with different artists and the trends associated with their particular field of art and artistry. For example, it takes advertising from different art exhibitions or specific artists who want to use this online forum to spotlight their works or opinions. If the Viennese Museum wishes to have a certain expo advertised, takes this information and creates a link where customers or art fans can learn about attendance, times and prices for being a part of this marketing event. Largely, though, makes it main purpose the exchange of knowledge about current events and current artists. It keeps people informed of what is going on in the art world, including death notifications for well-known artists and different social aspects of art across the globe and locally. The website spotlighted the death and experiences of once popular artists, along with in-depth commentaries about their works. The goal is to keep readers informed of what is going on in today’s art world and also to give specific artists, museums or exhibitions more exposure both for profit-gaining through consumer advertising or to help people in the art world gain fame. It serves as a starting point for people interested in buying their favourite artworks by highlighting where they can be found and some background information about the artists

Saturday, September 21, 2019

UN on High Seas Laws Essay Example for Free

UN on High Seas Laws Essay The UN General Assembly resolved and declared the resources of the High Seas as the Common heritage of the mankind which shall be governed by a proposed international regime- Comment. Common heritage of mankind is a principle of international law which holds that defined territorial areas and elements of humanitys common heritage that includes both cultural and natural should be held in trust for future generations and be protected from exploitation by individual nation states or corporations. Immanuel Kant in his essay Toward Perpetual Peace claimed that the expansion of hospitality with regard to use of the right to the earths surface which belongs to the human race in common would finally bring the human race ever closer to a cosmopolitan constitution. The concept of Common Heritage of Mankind, however, was first specifically enunciated in international law in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. Under Customary rules of International Law, the term high seas means, the part of the sea which are not included in the territorial waters. The rule was formulated in 1609 by Grotious in his treatise mare liberum by arguing that the sea cannot be owned. According to him â€Å"the sea is one of those things which is not an article of merchandise, and which cannot become private property. Hence it follows, to speak strictly, that no part of the sea can be considered as territory of any people whatsoever.† Later the prominent writers of the 18th century also advocated for the freedom of open seas. The meaning of high seas was transformed into treaty rules in the year 1958, when the Geneva Convention on High Seas was adopted. The article 1 of Geneva Convention on High Seas states that high seas is that part of the sea that are not included in the territorial sea or in the internal waters of a state. The regime of high sea has changed considerably under the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 which lays down under article 86 that all parts of the sea that are not included in the exclusive economic zone, in the territorial waters of a state or in the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic State would Constitute high seas. Thus, the area of the high seas has been substantially reduced under the convention of 1982. The high seas, shorthand for that portion of the ocean that lies beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, including the Southern Ocean around Antarctica, make up 64% of the world’s oceans and nearly 50% of the planet’s surface. It is generally 200 nautical miles from the coast. This vast area, once mistakenly considered an empty wasteland, is now understood to contain the largest reservoir of biodiversity left on earth. Multiplying human activities pose a variety of threats to high seas ecosystems, including overfishing, noise, plastic and chemical pollution, habitat destruction, and now ocean warming and ocean acidification related to rising concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has 320 articles, set out in seventeen parts, as well as nine annexes. Parts II to XI concern the different maritime zones: territorial sea and contiguous zone, straits used for international navigation, archipelagic waters, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf, the high seas, the International Seabed Area, and special provisions on the regime of islands and of enclosed and semi-enclosed seas. Parts XII to XIV concern specific marine activities and questions in all areas: the protection of the environment, marine scientific research, and the development and transfer of marine technology. Part XV (and annexes 5 to 8) concerns the settlement of disputes. Parts XVI and XVII set out general and final clauses. Today, 13 percent of the worlds land areas are protected, but less than one percent of global marine areas are, leaving these ecosystems exposed and vulnerable to threats. Further, there is almost no protection of marine ecosystems and biodiversity occurring in deeper waters on the continental shelves and in the international waters of the high seas. It is crucial that international leaders cooperate to ensure stronger conservation measures are implemented and enforced to guarantee the long term sustainability of marine species and the health of ocean ecosystems. The United Nations General Assembly plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of marine fisheries, particularly for those in areas beyond national jurisdiction. In ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction, many human activities remain unregulated or poorly managed, with ecosystem considerations seldom taken into account and scientific information either lacking or often ignored. As marine industrial activity, ocean warming, and ocean acidification have accelerated, the imperative to replace the current gap-ridden and fragmented approach towards high seas governance with a more integrated, equitable and accountable institutional framework has become more urgent and important. The major issues related to the high seas are as follows: 1. Open access to the rich resources 2. Increasing demands of fish, energy and increase in trade 3. Legal over-fishing 4. Climate change 5. Pollution. In the absence of an overarching international governance system for regulating marine fisheries, particularly in areas beyond national jurisdiction, there exist a number of treaties, organizations and intergovernmental instruments that serve to manage fisheries. These instruments include the United Nations and its various processes and organizations, and Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. In addition, there are many treaties, multilateral agreements and intergovernmental organizations that contain provisions relevant to the exploitation, use or trade of marine species. According to the UN Convention on the Law of the sea, the common heritage provides certain freedoms like freedom to fish, navigate lay submarine cables and pipelines, conduct scientific marine research, conduct peaceful military activities, and authorize vessels to fly national flags. However with these freedoms, there are also certain obligations to fulfill in order to maintain the proper health of the available resource. The duties are to conserve the living marine resources, protect and preserve the marine environment and most importantly not interfere in rights and interests of other nations. Under customary rules of international law, high seas were free and open to all states. Freedom to high sea was a well recognized principle even under the Roman law which is basically the primary precursor of the modern law. It means that the high sea being common to all states, no state may purport to subject any part of them to its territorial sovereignty, since the open sea is not the territory of any state , no state as a rule has a right to exercise its legislation, administration, jurisdiction or police over parts of the high seas. As a general rule, ships remain under exclusive jurisdiction of the state, whose flags they fly while in high seas. Although sea is not a territory of any state, it is nevertheless an object of the law of nations. Legal order was created through the co-operation of the law of the nations and the municipal laws of such states as possess a maritime flag. The following rules of the law of the nations were universally recognized. 1. Every state that has a maritime flag must lay down rules according to which vessels can claim to sail under its flags, and must furnish such vessels with some official voucher authorizing them to make use of its flag. 2. Every state has the right to punish all such foreign vessels as sail under its flag without being authorized to do so. 3. All vessels with the persons and goods on it, while being on open sea, considered under the sway of the flag state. 4. Every state has the right to punish piracy on the open sea even if committed by foreigners, and that, with a view to extinction of piracy. 5. Warships of all nations can acquire all subject vessels to show their flag. Limitations on the freedom of High Seas: Freedom of high seas may be exercised by States. However, the above basic rule is subject to certain restriction and limitations which is of a complex nature. Convention of 1982 under article 87(2) lays down the limitation of the general nature on the freedom of the high seas by stating that the freedom of high seas â€Å"shall be exercised with due regard for the interests of other states in their exercise of the freedom of the high seas.† The principle underlying this rule states that the exercise of one freedom by one state has to be accommodated with the exercise of freedom of the sea by other states. No preferences are given and the coexistence of various activities has to be sought through the necessary accommodation. In addition to this limitation, the following are the other set of limitations on the right to exercise the freedom of seas:- 1. Limitation on freedom of fishing:- All states have the freedom of fishing subject to limitation under article 117 of the Convention of 1982 where states are under a duty to cooperate with other states in taking such measures for conservation of living resources in high seas. 2. Limitation on the freedom of navigation:- every State Coastal as well as land locked have freedom of navigation in the high seas but they have certain obligations to perform while exercising this freedom of navigation. Article 94 of the Convention of 1982 sets a group of substantive minimum requirements with which all states must comply as regards safety of navigation especially as regards construction, equipment, sea worthiness and manning of ships, labour conditions on board, the use of rights, maintenance of communication and avoidance of collisions. 3. Limitation on freedoms of scientific researches: scientific research is promoted but not at the cost of endangering the living biodiversity at any cost. Article 261 of the Convention of 1982 appears to give preference to the exercise of freedom of navigation to freedom to conduct scientific research, though only as regards to deployment of scientific installations and equipments in established shipping routes. 4. Limitations on Non- interference with war ships:- Article 95 of convention of 1982 lays down that warships . The UN general Assembly has taken utmost care and precaution to make sure that no conflicts arise because of the common heritage and that such a resource should be treasured at all cost for the future generations for we keep in trust the goods of the future generation. Any problem that arises out of conflicts over high sea usage is something for which the UN should not be held responsible. It has proposed an international regime and all the states should try to follow the regime in good faith unless they are forced by circumstances not to do so. [ 2 ]. Immanuel Kant. Toward Perpetual Peace in Practical Philosophy-Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Gregor MJ (trans.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1999. p 329 (8:358). [ 3 ]. Dr. H.O.Agarwal; International Law Human Rights; 18th edition; At P.150. [ 4 ]. United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law; [ 5 ]. International Policy: United Nations General Assembly; [ 6 ]. International Policy; [ 7 ]. The Sovereignty of the Sea: A historical account of the claims of England to the Dominion of the British Seas, and of the Evolution of the Territorial Waters; Thomas Wemyss Fulton; at p. 3. [ 8 ]. Oppenheim’s international law, op.cit, p. 727 as stated in H.O. Agarwal’s International Law and human Rights, 18th edition, at p. 151. [ 9 ]. Oppenheim’s International Law, op, cit, p.727 As stated in H.O.Agarwal’s International Law and human Rights; 18th edition at p. 151.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Paradox in US-China Relations

The Paradox in US-China Relations The Paradox in the US-China Relations: A Commentary Almost a decade and half ago, one of the leading thinker and strategic expert on China; Gerald Segal prophetically described the implications of Chinese power especially in the East Asian region. He argued, â€Å"There is no more weighty uncertainty for East Asia, than the future of China. If China staggers amid leadership struggles and perhaps even disintegrates as a state, the region will fear mass migration and spreading chaos, if China forges ahead with a double digit growth, East Asia will fear the implications of Chinese power[1] Segal in the concluding remarks of his article titled, â€Å"Tying China into International System† (Survival; 1999) presented few assumptions. He foresaw that the uncontrolled economic growth in China would result in an increasing need and desire to trade with the outside world and China needs to be tied into the international system on the basis of these assumption about China’s future. One of them was a) that it will not disintegrate in chaos, will have a looser political system b) second that East Asian region will fail to develop any serious multilateralelism. There will be much talk in the region about the need to work more closely at the ASEAN and CSAP forum on the security of the region, however no real action was perceived. Surprisingly the East Asian region will have ramification of the Chinese power and the lead in dealing with China in the coming years would not be initiated by the East Asian countries. This would leave China unchallenged in the region. He a lso asserted that China would also likely to have a major long term adversarial relationship with the west. The aforementioned analysis describes some of the reality of the Chinese rise as of today. Beijing has certainly not disintegrated into chaos, through a steady projection of its influence, it has established that it is indeed a rising power and would continue to do so. The West especially the US may not have a direct adversarial relationship with China but all that is not hunky-dory in the Sino-US relationship. Interestingly this becomes evident when the trajectory of the bilateral relations is analysed at a profound level. Both the US and China are ambitious countries as far as projecting their influence is concerned. China is the only country which has directly challenged the US hegemony after Soviet Union. In the post-Cold War era of multipolarity the decline of the West (US) has also been juxtaposed with the rise of the rest (China) even by American scholars. (Zakaria; 2008). While the US was preoccupied with the global war on terror campaign and entangled itself in Iraq and Afghanistan; the People’s Republic effectively utilised this opportune moment of US occupation to its advantage by extending its international interactions and maximised its inventory of allies in the international political system. The Chinese influence in the international politics was regarded significant to such an extent that US too responded to the emerging threat discourse with an accommodating view. In a Congressional Report (2008) and the US Quadrennial Defense review (QDR-2001), the US administration was counselled to adopt ‘engagement’ as the best way to integrate China into prevailing global system. Today, China is engaging itself with the international community like never before by crafting a multitude of bilateral agreements and partnerships. Beijing has sought trade agreements, oil and gas contracts, scientific and technological cooperation, and de-facto multilateral security arrangements with countries both around its periphery and around the world such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It has also extracted oil and gas exploration contracts with Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, and Cuba; and with Central Asian states such as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; in search to satiate its hungers for energy security International Negotiations Diplomacy The emergence of multiple centres of power in the international politics have not only declined the pre-eminence of the American power but have also made space for China to exerts it influence in various spheres such as international economy, international negotiations on significant issues such as climate change, the South East China Seas and even in the nuclear realm. On all these issues China has taken a powerful stand. For instance on the issues of currency, China maintains a low exchange rate of its currency for its economic growth. Financial experts from both US and Europe have called China to allow its currency to rise. This sentiment was resonated even by the US President himself during his first visit to China in 2009. The same year Presidents of major banks like Europen Central Bank; Jean-Claude Trichet, and Dominique Strauss-Kahn; the former managing director of the IMF have also called for a stronger yuan but China did not adjust its currency in response to a foreign pressure.[2] China has boldly stood up against the US on the issue of Climate Change too. It is referred as the world’s largest Green House Gases (GHGs) emitter and suffers from a poor record as far as environment issues are concerned. In-fact China occupies a unique position in the Climate Change negotiations. It is one of the largest emitters of Co2 but it is also a developing country and possesses a valid claim of right to further develop like the US. It is one of the major voices in the Climate Change talks and some experts has suggested that it was China that blocked the last Copenhagen (2009) talks by asking for an appalling deal such that western leaders can walk away and thus creating a stalemate. At the Copenhagen it not only insisted on removing the binding targets for itself but also for other countries.[3] The strange power play by the Chinese delegation can also be viewed as an effort to weaken the Climate Change regulation regime. Very recently the UN Climate Summit at New York was concluded in which both the US and China seems to have agreed on reaching an agreement on reducing emission from 26 to 28 percent for the United State by 2025 and China to reach the emissions warming peak by 2030 or earlier[4]. Being a top emitter of Co2 China’s budge towards a substantial position on emission cuts ; only after the US has promised to take a step ahead on emission reflects nothing but geopolitics manifesting at the negotiation table. Nuclear Relations A similar Chinese behaviour of pushing the US to do its bit first can also be seen in the realm of nuclear security as well. Nuclear capability symbolises power in international politics. While China is far away from matching the US inventory of nuclear weapons, it cannot be ignored that being the only P-5 that is increasing its nuclear arsenal; China’s potential in influencing the nuclear debate at the international multilateral forum remains strong. It is interesting to note here that the official Chinese position on nuclear arms race is that, â€Å" the nuclear-weapon states with the biggest stockpiles should undertake special responsibility for nuclear disarmament and take lead in reducing their nuclear arsenals and delivery systems,†[5] China expects the US to first pave way for the other nuclear-weapon states to join the nuclear disarmament process. Furthermore the 2013 nuclear notebook of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists describes the Chinese nuclear capability as growing slowly and increasing in capability. Many in the US presume that the growing Chinese nuclear capability especially the long range missiles which includes as many as many as 60 LRBMs can reach some portion of the United States. In-fact according to the US intelligence community prediction by the mid-2020s, China could have more than 100 missiles capable of threatening the US.[6] In-fact the American experts for nuclear issues believe that there is a need to maintain a long term stability in the US-China nuclear relations even though the nuclear dynamics between the two countries are relatively stable at the present. The exponents of such idea have based their judgement on the US concerns about the Chinese expansion of the quality and quantity of its nuclear arsenal. The analysis of US-China nuclear relations by the working group reveals a possible intensification of strategic arms race between the two countries. This might manifest in increasing the uncertainties about the nuclear deterrence and thus crisis management between the two must take effect. In-fact it is advised to the US government to take up informal ways to shape China’s nuclear decision making.[7] Geopolitical Ends at the Asia Pacific Region The current Chinese Ambassador to the US; John Kerry in his remarks described the bilateral relations as â€Å"the most important as well as the most sensitive, the most comprehensive as well as the most complex, and the most promising as well as the most challenging †[8] and referred it as the most consequential one determining the shape of the 21st century world. While officials from the White House have diversified adjectives to describe beautifully the US-China synergies, they have also acknowledged the difference the two countries have a two distinguished countries. Moreover, these two distinguished countries also have comparable power interests in the same geographical entity called the Asian Pacific region. For both the countries the region is a crucial one and the most promising as far as security is concerned. The US has blatantly announced its pivot to Asia Pacific in order to execute its rebalancing strategy. One must reckon that in the recent years China too has started looking at the region more prominently. The US has categorically announced its reservations on the Chinese assertive foreign policy behaviour in the South and East China Seas region. Even though the US is not directly related to any of the South China Sea dispute; the United States maintains a strong position on the Chinese claims on the South China Sea Vis-a-Vis claims of other littoral states. The South-China Sea region is a strategic pass way containing critical sea lanes of communications. It is also a region through which half of the world’s oil transport passes through. The sea connects the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean it has utility for major naval power. It must be reckon that the United States considers itself as a influential player in the Asian Pacific region and it has sustained its pre-eminence over this region for over six decades. [9]The region not only has a symbolic utility for the United States but it is also practically being used as a transit point and an operating area for its Navy and Air Force to shuttle between the military bases in Asia the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. Similarly on the East China Sea, the similarity of ambitions and the difference in policy approaches towards the region also appear to be clear. Very recently the US deepened its commitment to the East Asian region and invited Japan and Australia for a military co-operation towards collectively working on strengthening maritime security in the Asia-Pacific region. It is noteworthy that in the same platform revealed President Obama’s subtle hint to China that aggressive acts on territorial disputes concerning the region might, â€Å"spiral into a confrontation†.[10] In addition to this President Obama categorically conveyed his idea of an effective security order in Asia that ought to be based on alliances of mutual security and driven by international norms and laws instead of spheres of influences or driven by acts of intimidation of big nations ( such as China)[11] Cyber Space It is a known fact that the United States was the progenitor of what we know today as the world wide web/internet. The internet owes its birth to the US Department of Defense in the 1960’s where it was developed and used for defence communication. Today the commercialised internet has grown so big and forms part of much bigger virtual domain known as cyber space. This cyber space in its totality is, practically out of a complete control of one singular country let alone the United States, which ironically gave birth to it. The cyber space has escalated itself in international politics as a powerful domain. It is regarded as one of the battle domain for future wars among countries. China is notorious for practicing all forms of cyber theft, hacking, cyber terrorism, etc. towards the United States. China is an increasingly growing player in the Cyber security realm. It is the only Asian country with one of the most internet users, which is state controlled. While the domestic environment of China’s internet is largely defined as strict; externally China is identified by the United States as real cyber threat for other countries. According to the US reports on China uses cyber warfare for data gathering, to constrain an adversary’s effective communications etc.[12] United States has suffered the most out of these evil intentions of China. Many instances of cyber-attacks such as ‘Titan Rain’ from China have been reported. In-fact it was revealed in 2004-2005 that the Chinese hackers have compromised the computers of NASA and other military and technological centres across the United States. Not only have the Chinese denied all these allegations as baseless, but have also refused to cooperate with the American investigations. The White House has recognised cyber security as linked to America’s economic prosperity national security, and individual liberties. Indeed the cyber space touches the American lives closely on a daily basis and to safeguard the security in this realm, the US has been evolving a policy to shape the future Cyber security regime. It starts from domestic ownership of critical infrastructure combined with an improved reporting of incident and response. Since the Cyber domain involves virtually all countries with no boundaries any cyber policy would only be effective if international partners are engaged effectively. Under this context the co-opting of China becomes really critical. The United States seeks to build a consensus based approach as far as implementing international cyber norms are concerned[13]. The American concern for the on growing Chinese Cyber warfare capabilities appears evident from the statement of a former US Defense Secretary; Leon Panetta two years ago have reiterated the need for both the countries to work together in the realm of cyber security as both of them have developed technological capabilities in this arena to a great extent. [14] Concluding Observations: China too has registered its presence as influential players in the international politics. Interestingly it has raised concerns in the US about its ramifications upon the American goal of sustaining its pre-eminence. Indeed China continues to ameliorate its presence in the strategic calculus of the US almost daily with the American strategic narrative painted with the shades of Sino-US Strategic partnership, competition, bilateral ties, cooperation etc. There are number of American experts such as Selig Harrison, Aron Friedberg, David Lampton etc who have predicted a rise of a peer competitor in Beijing especially bearing in mind the Chinese power influence in the Asian region. These experts have categorically highlighted the prospects of a regional threat to the US from China. The China watchers in the US; even after a decade have analysed that China would look outward as its foreign policy ambitions are as aggressive as the United States. [15] The US views on China could be assessed from various perspectives such as realist and liberal and each lens is likely to put forward a conflicting rudimentary divide between the two countries. This is clear from the analysis of former Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs; Aron Friedberd and even the greatest practitioner of diplomacy in America; Henry Kissinger himself. While Friedberg argues that both countries have locked themselves in an increasingly intense struggles for power and influence; Kissinger have put forward his advice to the US in dealing with China and have insisted that both sides should be open to convincing of each other’s activities as a normal part of international life. He further argued that, â€Å"the inevitable tendency to impinge on each other should not be equated with a conscious drive to contain or dominate†[16] The US-China interaction in international politics cover so many arenas that is has become rather tricky for scholars to identify one set of variable to describe the bilateral relations that both share. In the most recent times the labels for US-China relations have ranged from business-partnership, strategic partnership, strategic competitors and even Sino-US cold confrontation.[17] Finally, the graph of US- China relation s that started officially with the US Secretary’s ‘open door’ notes have fluctuated from being estranged countries to strategic partnership and today have become the one of the most significant bilateral relations defining the shape of the international politics. A saying about history suggests that it repeats itself. It is ironical that several decades ago the United States was driven to China for trade prospects so much so that; the Chinese silk, tea can be credited with bringing the first set of millionaires in America. The American fascination for the oriental products dates back to the year 1784 when a commercial (US flagged) vessel ‘Empress of China’[18] sailed the Chinese seas. It was the trade issues that normalised the US-China relation during the 1970’s. While the US cut the Chinese melon into sphere of influence for economic benefits, today it is the American markets flooded with Chinese goods . Moreover, it is the American ‘Apple’ that is now reverse engineered in China. The United States in the first part of its relationship with China dominated the terms but today China has turn the dynamic of relations into a partnership. It may not be incorrect to suggest that history indeed might be repeating itself in reverse. [1] Segal Gerald, (1999) â€Å"Tying China Into International System†, Survival, Vol.37, No 2, p .60 [2]â€Å"Chinas Exchange-Rate Policy: A Yuan-Sided Argument† 19 November 2009, The Economist, at , accessed on 21 November 2014 [3] Mark Lynas, â€Å"How Do I Know China Wrecked The Copenhagen Deal? I Was In the Room†, The Guardian, December 22 2009 , at, accessed on November 25, 2014 [4]Laura Barron-Lopez, November14 2014, â€Å" US Climate Envoy: China Deal Boosts Paris Talks, But Uncertainty Remains† The Hill, at , accessed on 24 November 2014 [5] â€Å"Chinas Contributions To Nuclear Disarmament†, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬Peoples Republic Of China, at, accessed on December 1, 2014 [6] Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris, (2013), â€Å"The Chinese Nuclear Forces†, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Vol. 69, No. 6, pp. 79-85 and Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris, (2014) â€Å" US Nuclear Forces, 2014, Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.85-93 [7] John K. Warden, Elbridge Colby Abraham Denmark, (201p, â€Å" Nuclear Weapons and US-China Relations: A Way Forward† Report by PONI by a Working Group on US-China Nuclear Dynamics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies [8] John Kerry, 4 November 2014, Remarks on U.S.-China Relations, at, accessed on 23 November 2014 [9] Hina Pandey, (2011), â€Å" Recent Developments in the South China Sea: US China Confrontation†, World Focus ,pp. 261-268 [10] [11] Jamie Smyth, (2014), â€Å"US, Japan and Australia to Deepen Alliance† The Financial Times, at, accessed on 3 December 2014 [12] E. Dilipraj, (2014), â€Å"Mapping the Cyber Dragon: China’s Conduct of Terror in the Cyber World†, Defence and Diplomacy, Vol.3, No.4, July- September, pp. 85-97. [13] Cybersecurity, 4 December 2014, at , accessed on 4 December , 2014 [14]  David Alexander, (2012), â€Å"US- China Must Work to Avoid Cyber Conflict: Panetta†, Reuters, at , accessed on 4 December 2014 [15] Selig Harrison, (2000), â€Å"China And The US in Asia: The Threat Perception in Asia† cited in â€Å" China’s Future: Constructive Partner or Emerging Threat† in Carpenter and James A. Don, CATO Institute, pp.109. and Robert Kaplan, (2010),â€Å"The Geography Of The Chinese Power: How Far Can Beijing Reach On Land And At Sea?† Foreign Affairs, May/June 2010 [16] Friedberg L. Aaron, â€Å"The Future of U.S. China Relations: Is conflict inevitable?† ,International Security, Vol. 30, No. 2, Fall 2005, pp7-45 and Henry A. Kissinger,(2012) â€Å"The Future of US-Chinese Relations: Conflict Is a Choice, Not a Necessity†, Foreign Affairs, Vol.91, No.2, p.44 [17] Chintamani Mahapatra (2014), â€Å"US-China Cold Confrontation: New Paradigm of Asian Security†, Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, at , accessed on 1 August 2014 [18] Song Yuwu (2009), Empress, â€Å"Encyclopedia of Sino-US Relations,† McFarland Co., p. 99.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rebirth in Sylvia Plaths Lady Lazarus, Fever 103, Getting There, and C

Rebirth in Lady Lazarus, Fever 103, Getting There, and Cut  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ariel-period poems of Sylvia Plath demonstrate her desire for rebirth, to escape the body that was "drummed into use" by men and society. I will illustrate the different types of rebirth with examples from the Ariel poems, including "Lady Lazarus," "Fever 103," "Getting There," and "Cut." "Lady Lazarus," the last of the October poems, presents Plath as the victim with her aggression turned towards "her male victimizer (33)." Lady Lazarus arises from Herr Doktor's ovens as a new being, her own incarnation, "the victim taking on the powers of the victimizers and drumming herself into uses that are her own" (33). Linda Bundtzen also sees the poem as "an allegory about the woman artist's struggle for autonomy. The female creature of a male artist-god is asserting independent creative powers" (33). Plath confronts Herr Doktor: Herr God, Herr Lucifer Beware Beware. Out of the ash I rise with my red hair And I eat men like air. (Plath 246-247) Lady Lazarus after her psychic death became stronger than her creator: " Male- female antagonism ends with the woman defiantly asserting power over her body and releasing its energies for her own ends" (Bundtzen 233). While the outcome of the poem is positive, "Plath turns on herself, identifying with her oppressor, and sadistically punishes her body in the process of recreating it" (Bundtzen 237). Plath did not see the rebirth process as a pleasant experience, but one that is expected of her "I guess you could say I've got a call" (Plath 245). She, however, sees the benefits that come from her suffering and continues the process again and again. "Fever 103" is also about a women releasing herself from... ...poems what she thought she could not or did not achieve in life: the ability to do as she wanted, to be a mother and wife but not constricted into a domestic hell or to be pinned down by the oppressive society which did not accept her for being a poetess. She was able to "still speak from within her "deeper self" through her writing" (Kinsey-Clinton 1).    Works Cited Alvarez, A. Sylvia Plath : A Memoir. New York: Harper and Row, 1985. Bundtzen, Lynda K. Plath's Incarnations: Woman and the Creative Process. USA: University of Michigan, 1988. Kinsey-Clinton, Michelle. Once Upon a Time. (Online) Available , August 17, 1998. Perloff, Marjorie. "Angst and Animism in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath". Journal Of Modern Literature. 1970: 57-74 . Plath Sylvia. The Collected Poems. New York: Harper Perennial, 1992.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tough economic times: The impact on employee motivation and morale Essa

Chapter Two Introduction The main purpose of this project is to uncover factors responsible for causing a 36% decrease in employee satisfaction for the department of EHS over a 5-year period (2005-2010) reported in EHS’s 2010 employee satisfaction survey (EHS, 2005; EHS, 2010). With over 64,000 full-time employees making up the State of Colorado’s workforce it is imperative to determine how best to improve employee satisfaction and morale as these directly affect job performance and workplace safety (Barling, Kelloway, & Iverson, 2003; STAR, 2009). The objective of Chapter two is to provide information regarding employee satisfaction and the examination of the capstone’s project theoretical framework. Having a clear understanding of the motivation of employees is tremendously significant to managers as well as the supervisors, particularly in the industries today where the limited budgets make it complicated to reward workers monetarily. In order to analyze the effect of the long-ter m reductions in employee compensation, benefits, and incentives directly affecting the State of Colorado workers’ motivation, job satisfaction, and morale, it is important to include the two well-known motivational theories i.e. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (1959) as well as Adam’s Equity Theory (1963), into the project’s theoretical framework (Gibson, et al., 2009). Definition of Terms In the context of this study, the following definitions are provided for understanding: Absenteeism: is the failure to report for duty or obligation or a habitual pattern of absences (Robbins & Coulter, 2007). Conventionally, the word absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance (â€Å"Absenteeism,† n.d.). Effectiveness: The degree to ... ...ervant (Adams, 1963). Summary Chapter two provided an overview of the current problem at EHS and provided a literature review of two mainstream theories on employee motivation that is, Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory and Adam’s Equity theory. Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory is known as a Content Theory, which focuses on motivational factors within a person whereas Adam’s Equity theory is known as a Process Theory, which focuses on external factors to provide motivation (Gibson, et al., 2009). Motivation, job satisfaction, and reward systems are all key elements of an employee motivation models and are essential in encouraging an individual to attain a specific goal (Aguinis 2009; Gibson, et al., 2009; Robbins & Coulter, 2007; Robbins & Judge, 2010). Chapter three in brief outlines the capstones project’s methodology including how the data was analyzed and compared.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The dam human race

The Damned Human Race Mark Twain stated that he has been studying the traits and dispositions of animals and contrasting them with that of man. Be he ashamed to report that his findings are humiliating and that the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the lower animals should be called the Descent of Man from the higher animal. Twain did many â€Å"experiments† and spent much time observing his subjects. Twain first talks about how man is ravenous. An English Earl organized a buffalo slaughter.He and his party killed 72 buffalo and only ate the meat off of part of one. He tried the same hype of experiment with an anaconda where he put seven calves into a cage with an anaconda. The anaconda only ate one and then left the rest alone. Twain thinks that this shows that the Earl is descended from the anaconda rather than the other way around and that the Earl had lost something in the transition. He also points out that people will keep accumulating money, even if they have m ore than they can spend in a lifetime.Squirrels, birds, and bees also collect things, but even when given an opportunity by twain to collect more than their winter's supply, they would not do it. This led Twain to the conclusion that people are also materialistic and miserly. His other experiments also recognized many bad human traits such as revenge, offensiveness, vulgarity, obscenity, war, slavery, Patriotism, and religion. Twain believes that the defect In humans Is the moral sense which both distinguishes and creates evil at the same time.Twain essay can be Interpreted In many ways because of its symbolism and Irony. Personally I feel that Twain's essay Is entirely truthful. Even If Twain was meaning to be Ironic I think that he made a lot of good points on the negative aspect of human emotion and life. He provides many situations that are both possible and likely to happen I think this essay Is very affective at portraying Twain's view of the world because It Includes both rea listic and relevant experiments, and historical evidence. This realism adds a certain truth to the piece that Is hard to Ignore.Because of this I feel that this piece Is a very strong eye opener to any people living In the dark. It provides useful knowledge about what Is going on Inside many human heads to some degree. It may even tell you about yourself, but then again If you are suffering from these traits then you will most likely not know because you are already so used to doing these things that they are ingrained Into your mind. By reading this I got a very good Interpretation of humans, which I have never thought about before. He dam human race By staff believes that the defect in humans is the moral sense which both distinguishes and creates evil at the same time. Twain essay can be interpreted in many ways because of its symbolism and irony. Personally I feel that Twain's essay is entirely truthful. Even if Twain was meaning to be ironic I think that he made a lot of good p oints on both possible and likely to happen I think this essay is very affective at portraying Twain's view of the world because it includes both realistic and relevant experiments, and historical evidence.This realism adds a certain truth to the piece that is hard to ignore. Because of this I feel that this piece is a very strong eye opener to any people living in the dark. It provides useful knowledge about what is going on inside many human heads to some degree. It may even tell you about yourself, but then again if already so used to doing these things that they are ingrained into your mind. By reading this I got a very good interpretation of humans, which I have never thought

Monday, September 16, 2019

Physical Education Essay

1. History and meaning of Physical Education. History of Physical Education The Spartans and Athenians were the first to have a type of physical education. Though very different, both systems served the people and supplied their needs. The Spartan system was similar to dictatorship, a form of government. At the age of seven, boys were taken to learn basic military skills while living in barracks. When they reached the age of fourteen, they began learning group fighting tactics which would allow them to succeed while in the military from the ages of twenty to thirty. Once thirty, the men could then marry a women who had been doing some training of her own in order to make strong babies. The philosophy of the Spartans was basically to allow them to invade other countries if desired, and to prevent other countries from invading them. see more:legal basis of education The philosophy of the Athenians was quite different compared to the Spartans. The Athenian culture was very democratic, and focused on training of the mind and body. Reading and writing was a large part of society as well as physical activity which took place in the center of the city where the gymnasium was located. The physical education philosophy of the Athenians was the high point of physical education for many years. Some other cycles in physical education that we have evolved from are that of the Romans, the dark ages, and the crusades. The Roman era is a bit disturbing, but is nonetheless a cycle of physical education. Physical education for the Romans was about athletics, which was primarily about entertainment. People were forced to fight to the death, and oftentimes fed to lions. During the dark ages, religion viewed physical education as a waste of time and a work of the devil. The dark ages were a very sedentary time for human civilization. Following the dark ages in approximately 1096, were the crusades. The crusades were a time of muscular Christianity, because of the Muslims conquering Jerusalem. Muscular Christianity is basically Christians believing that the more one trained to become good soldiers, the more Christian a person was. In 1270, the crusades ended and so did the thought of physical education being worthwhile until approximately 1400 when the renaissance period began. Physical education during the renaissance period is quite similar to physical education today. It is done to better oneself, not to be doing something for someone else. The development of physical education had another setback in the 1600’s when it was very functional and not a priority. People believed that if it did not have a specific purpose, than it was a waste of time. During the 1700’s, there was a big change in physical education that can be largely attributed to three people: Rousseau, Johan Simon, and Guts Muths. Rousseau was the first person to promote education for the masses and he also thought of play as being educational. In 1712, Rousseau invented an activity that is still used by millions of children everyday, recess. Johan Simon was the first physical education teacher and believed physical education should be taught along with reading and writing. Simon believed physical education should include a lot of physical labor. Guts Muths developed a series of gymnastic apparatuses and believed physical education developed very important social skills. These people of the 1700’s and the things they did began paving the road to where we are today. During the 1800’s, physical education programs were finding their way into universities which contributed to many things we have today. New sports were being invented, intramurals were being brought into schools, women began exercising, gymnasiums could be found in most colleges, and many recreational areas and parks were being built in order to decrease the crime rate. This continued on into the 1900’s which brought on the creation of the National Collegiate Athletic Association to regulate college athletics, and the golden age of sports during the 20†² and 30’s. During this golden age of sport, the number of people in sport increased dramatically, the number of teachers increased, and physical education began moving toward the involvement of sport. In 1941, World War II began which brought a big shock along with it. Of the first 2 million males drafted, 45% failed their physical. With this, physical education began to be very strongly pushed in schools in order to improve the health of the American people. Since W.W. II, the United States has continued to press the importance of physical education, which brings it to where it is today, a highly complex field with many different sub-disciplines. The sub-disciplines are: â€Å"Exercise physiology, which is the study of bodily systems and their reactions to the stress of exercise. Kinesiology, which is the study of how the muscular system moves the bony structure of the body. Biomechanics, which is the study of the human body as a mechanical system, utilizing principles and applications from physics. Motor learning, which is the changes in motor performance related to experience and practice. Sport sociology, which is the social structure, social patterns, and social organization of groups engaged in sport. Sport Psychology, which is the stud of behavioral and psychological issues and problems in sport. Sport pedagogy, which is the study of the processes of teaching and coaching, the outcomes of such endeavors, and the content of fitness, physical-education, and sport-education programs.† (Siedentop) These sub-disciplines have created many new jobs for people in the field of education, and will surely branch off to form others in the future. Physical education has definitely come a long way since the Spartans and Athenians. From an authoritarian type system to promoting lifespan physical education with many sciences studying the different intangibles of physical education in order to better the mind and body. These new sciences have obviously broadened the â€Å"umbrella of physical education†, but when looking to the future, there really is no end in sight. The growing â€Å"umbrella† will continue getting larger as new thoughts and ideas come, and with them, new sciences also. Definition of Physical Education Physical Education is an educational course taken during primary and secondary level, and even tertiary level that encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health. It is also defined as a process of learning through physical activities designed to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills, knowledge and behavior of healthy and active living, sportsmanship, and emotional intelligence. Thus, Physical Education is not only aimed at physical development but also includes the development of the individual as a whole. 2. Concepts of physical education Physical Development Objective — deals with the program of activities that builds physical power in an individual through the development of the various organic systems of the body. Motor Development Objective — concerned with making physical movement useful and with as little expenditure of energy as possible and being proficient, graceful, and aesthetic in this movement. Mental Development Objective — deals with the accumulation a body knowledge and the ability to think and to interpret this knowledge. Social Development Objective — concerned with helping an individual in making personal adjustments, group adjustment, and adjustments as a member of society. 3. What are the legal basis and related activities in physical education? The legal basis of physical education is stated in the 1987 Constitution, Article XIV Section 19. (1) The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. (2) All educational institution shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bebop Jazz and its Influence Essay

Developed in the 1940’s, bebop jazz expanded upon the restrictive and structured arrangements of big band music, changed the way music was enjoyed, and provided a foundation for future innovators of jazz music. Bebop was a revolutionary sound that captivated the audience due largely to the new found creative freedom of musical expression allowed by extensive improvisation. According to John Andrews (1998), â€Å"Bop marked the point at which both the musicians and their audience became widely conscious that jazz was an art form.† Andrews also goes on to mention that bebop’s main focus was for people to seriously listen, instead of dancing. After bebop other styles of jazz developed, such as progressive jazz, cool jazz, and hard bop. These three styles of jazz, in the opinion of many people, imparted a substantial influence on current jazz, and will likely impact future generations as well. Bebop is a style of jazz developed in the early 1940s as a means to revolt against big band music. Big band music required large groups of players. As a consequence, the musicians were required to follow simpler, highly structured, written arrangements. At the time, many musicians resented the lack of freedom to improvise and the reliance upon written arrangements, so they created bebop, a new style of jazz. Bebop was vastly different than swing band music. It had faster tempos, complex harmonies, elaborate melodies and a rhythm section. According to _America’s Musical Landscape_, a typical bebop combo consisted of a trumpet, saxophone, double bass, piano, and percussion. Due in part to the smaller number of performing musicians, bebop music allowed for more freedom of expression and imagination than in big band music. Improvisation was a key feature. While much of big band music was designed to indulge the audience’s desire to dance, bebop jazz is for people who want to sit down and listen to the music. At first, many people enjoyed listening to bebop simply because it was something new and exciting. However, many people, particularly musicians, prefer bebop because of its sophistication and complexity. Some jazz musicians felt they needed something different and preferred to play bebop instead of swing jazz to demonstrate their improvisational skills. Musicians such as saxophonist, Dizzy Gillespie; trumpeter, Charlie Parker; and pianist, Thelonious Monk; stand out as examples of creative giants who through their virtuosity, were able to achieve an innovative sound that made listening to the nuances and astounding creative improvisations so finely wound into their musical presentations, more important than dancing or chatting over simple background music. In a way, bebop was a new genre unto itself, more akin to jazz than big band music. Because it is essentially the basis for most contemporary jazz styles, listeners will hear the enduring influence of bebop in most jazz forms that have followed it. Progressive jazz, cool jazz, and hard bop are three styles to have evolved from bebop jazz. It is likely that these three jazz styles, as well as others, embedded with the underlying roots of bebop will have an ongoing influence on future jazz musicians. No one can speak for all musicians, many may prefer to play older well-established, classic jazz, but certainly there are a substantial number of musicians that prefer playing the avant-garde styles, who will carry the flag of bebop for future generations. Bebop was a revolutionary and exciting sound that changed the world of jazz in the 1940’s and continues to influence jazz styles today. At its advent, bebop was a way for jazz musicians to break away from the confines of big band music, which did not allow for much improvisation or freedom of musical expression. Bebop pioneers such as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, and Thelonious Monk helped pave the way for other jazz musicians, allowing them to shed their restrictive chains of structured big band music and to elevate the level of improvisational genius that bebop allows. Subtle nuances, sophisticated interpretations, and creative variations of musical phrases  created on the fly can be thrilling to an appreciative listener. It is the on the spot creative virtuosity that makes attentive listening so important to bebop jazz and its consequential styles such as progressive jazz, cool jazz, and hard bop. It is likely that these contemporary forms, still infused with the musical DNA of bebop, are likely to influence future jazz musicians. Reference Andrews, J. (1998). What Bebop Meant to Jazz History. Retrieved June 8, 2007, from The World Socialist Web Site:


Learning objectives 1. institutional aspects of equity issuance transaction 2. costs and benefits associated with public share offerings 3. develop a deeper appreciation for challenges of valuing unseasoned firms and enhance corporate valuation skills KEY QUESTIONS FOR CONISDERATION 1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of going public? 2)What different approaches can be used to value JetBlue’s shares? 3)At what price would you recommend that JetBlue offer their shares? Potential Questions to be addressed in report submission * What is an Initial Public Offering and why is it such a big deal? Is going public, particularly at the time they did, a good idea for JetBlue? * What do you believe JetBlue stock is really worth? * Does the financial forecast in case Exhibit 13 seem reasonable? * What are the key assumptions in the IPO valuation? * Is the length of the forecast period within the IPO valuation (exhibit 13) reasonable? * What discount rate is appropriate for the cas h flow forecast? * How would you suggest estimating the terminal value? What assumptions have you made? How have your assumptions affected the estimated value of JetBlue shares? IntroductionAfter the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, it was upset deeply because of the safety for the airline industry in the United States. The passenger demand suddenly reduced and many flights cancelled afterwards, which led a lot of American airlines declared bankruptcy afterwards, including US Airways and United Airlines. It was a challenging time for airline industry, however, David Neeleman, the CEO and Founder of JetBlue Airways, discovered an opportunity for the company. Barely two years after its foundation, the company decided to raise additional capital through initial public offering (IPO).This report is aimed to apply financial theories and concepts into analyse the real case study of JetBlue Airline. Firstly, the background of JetBlue will be introduced briefly. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of going public for JetBlue will be discussed in the following pages. In addition, the share valuation of JetBlue IPO will be estimated based on several assumptions. Last but not least, the recommendation will be provided in the last past of this report. Background JetBlue was founded by David Neeleman in 1999, which looked to fulfil the purpose of â€Å"humanity back to air travel†.By following the low-cost model of Southwest Airlines, JetBlue pursued to offer passengers an enjoyable flying experience by providing in-flight entertainment, comfortable room and high-quality customer service. In addition, in order to organise a strong and experienced working team, Neeleman employed several skilled senior managers, comprising of David Barger who was a former vice president of Continental Airlines to be president and COO and John Owen who was executive vice president and former treasurer of Southwest Airlines to be CFO in JetBlue.Moreover, as the founder of Jet Blue, Neeleman have own extensive experience with airline start-ups from managing low-fare flights during university period. Based on the explicit marketing strategy of JetBlue, barely less than one year, the company increased the routes to other cities in America and it continued to grow rapidly to 17 destinations in early 2002.And not only that, JetBlue adopted the active measures to increase expenditures for security by setting up equip cockpits with bulletproof doors and security cameras, which enhanced the confidence of US residences to take flights under the circumstance of few people was afraid of flying after September 11 hijackings. Advantages and disadvantages of going public Refer to Bodie, Kane and Marcus (2011), initial public offerings are stocks issued by a formerly privately owned company that is going public, which means that selling stock to the public for the first time.According to Rothberg, the following table are shown some advantages and disadvantages of going public. Pros| Cons| Potentially large bonuses for business owners| High explicit cost – roughly 7% of the funds raised| Ability to raise additional capital rapidly in the future| Pressure to meet investor expectations| Attraction and retention for the valuable talents| Less control on make business decisions – decisions should be based on the interest of shareholders and investors other than owners themselves| Easy to sell ownership shares when owners exit business or retire| Reporting disclosure on regular basis| Access to capital markets| |In relation to this case, JetBlue aimed to raise additional capital through an IPO in order to support company’s growth and offset portfolio losses by investors. Moreover, according to John Owen, JetBlue had prepared the initial registration statement with security and exchange commission (SEC) for the IPO on September 11, 2001. However, based on the September 11 attacks, they delayed IPO before it came into force. In fact, not only the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but several events happened negatively affected the global economy during the period of going public for JetBlue.For example, the contagion of bird flu was quite severe during taking flights, which definitely influenced the demand of flights. The increasing oil price also raised the basic cost in any transportation industry. Another negative condition could be the economic downturn, including crash of the dot-com bubble and financial crisis in Asia. From this point of view, it seemed not to be an appropriate time to going public. However, faced with the weak financial markets, JetBlue measured the targeted strategies and made success in profitable operations.And IPO market is never dead for good company with real revenues and real earnings just like JetBlue. It then turned out that it was a suitable time for JetBlue to IPO during the economic downturn though. JetBlue’s shares valuation There are various methods to value s hares for a company, including free cash flow to equity (FCFE) method discounted by WACC, free cash flow to firm (FCFF) method discounted by cost of equity, dividend discount model and relative valuation techniques. Since JetBlue had not paid out any dividends on common stock, dividend discount model cannot be used to estimate company share value.In addition, FCFF method do not consider the effect of interest payment, however, as mentioned in the case, the Federal Reserve had attempted to stimulate economic activity by reducing interest rates. Therefore, from my point of view, it was more appropriate to value JetBlue share by FCFE method to consider the consequences of interest rate. The assumptions are made for evaluate JetBlue share value as follows. The long-run growth rate was expected to be 7% annually. And the company would have survived and would be a typical firm with an estimated cost of equity of 15% in 2010.Last but not least, the appropriate discount rate was assumed to be 30%. Additionally, there was a quite weird number disappeared in the Exhibit 13, which was the expected inflation rate was 4 times in 2002 than other years. After changing it back to the normal, the share value then could be calculated to be around $24. 60 per share. (Appendix 1) Recommendation Based on the assumptions, the calculated consequence is identical to the initial offering prices which ranged from initial price to implemented offering price ($24 to $25).Faced with sizable excess demand to potential investors, JetBlue took the appropriate measure to increase share value in order to avoid â€Å"money leave on the table†. In the long run, I believe that JetBlue will still grow at a stable stage as the innovative spirit and seasonable measures to the different types of events. Therefore, JetBlue’s stock was worth for the potential and incoming investors. We prepared to retristrict initial registration with SEC for the IPO on September 11, 2001. Based on the ev ent of that morning, we didnot .We waited until stock market settled down. We returned the profitability in November and December. We started to issue IPO gain in Christmas time. Obviously, we modified the document a bit. High growth, low cost profitable airline has rebounded substantially in the market place. It was a very good stands to do the IPO for JetBlue. Even though it was 2002, the IPO market was pretty much dead, the IPO market is never dead for good company with real revenues and real earnings. So we were confident even a small amount of – John Owen registration statement with underwritersFCFF we do not consider the effect of interest payment 1) In FCFF, we use EBIT (1-t) whereas in FCFE, we use Net Income; this is because while using EBIT (1-t) in FCFF we do not consider the effect of interest payment as mentioned above. 2) IN FCFE, we use Change in Non- Cash Working Capital*(1-D) – Capital expenditure*(1-D) whereas in FCFF we use Change in Non-Cash Working Capital – Capital Expenditure; this is because we just want to concentrate on cash flow due to equity only. Reference Bodie Z. , Kane, A. , & Marcus, A. J. (2011).Investments (9th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill Rothberg F. The Pros and Cons of Going Public. Retrieved from http://www. cfoedge. com/resources/articles/cfo-edge-the-pros-and-cons-of-going-public. pdf Appendix (Appendix 1: Share valuation of JetBlue Airways) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Bodie Z. , Kane, A. , & Marcus, A. J. (2011). Investments (9th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill [ 2 ]. Rothberg F. The Pros and Cons of Going Public. Retrieved from http://www. cfoedge. com/resources/articles/cfo-edge-the-pros-and-cons-of-going-public. pdf

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Medea can be forgiven for her rage but not her calculation

Medea’s rage is a result of Jason’s betrayal, and with both desire and passion, it prompts her calculation- causing her to commit unimaginable crimes. Her rage is forgivable, yet her actions that follow are contemptible. Jason’s betrayal is recurring throughout the novel, and as it progresses, Medea’s fury worsens also. When Jason claims â€Å"he has acted like a true friend† to Medea and his children, Medea reacts angrily, knowing that he has acted in contrast. Jason’s obliviousness to his actions and lies insults Medea, forming her resentment to develop. Although Medea’s calculation doesn’t add up to Jason’s betrayal, he is still to blame for being the cause of such frenzy. Medea’s rage, passion, and desire for Jason are the origin of her actions. For Medea to â€Å"suffer the mockery of her enemies† was something she wouldn’t tolerate. Her vindictive mind allowed her to believe that she would rather do wrong, than be ridiculed by Jason, Glauce and Creon. By killing her children, Glauce and Creon, Medea knew she would â€Å"have her claws† in Jason’s heart as he deserved. These children live no more; I say this to wound your heart†. Medea commits these actions to hurt Jason and get revenge, yet was unaware of the extent of which they would affect her. The audience is unable to distinguish Medea’s rage from her calculation as they are all a source of the same cause. â€Å"My passion is master of my reason, passion that causes the greatest suffering in the world†. Medea knows that in order for her to pursue with murdering her children, she will have to suffer tremendously. Her manipulation and vigilant arrangements allows her to accomplish results which reflect on her fury and â€Å"special knowledge†. Although Jason is to blame for Medea's rage, the results are solely Medea's fault. We are able to sympathise with Medea; to some extent, for the distress she undergoes through killing her children. Although Medea cannot be forgiven for her actions, the audience is able to understand the reasons for the revengeful way Medea retorted. Neither Jason nor Medea can be forgiven for their actions, but condemned.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Growth and Development of SMEs in Indian Textile Industry Essay

Growth and Development of SMEs in Indian Textile Industry - Essay Example In order to understand further the framework and theoretical part of the study, this study will try to find other related information from books and academic journals. The topics will include managing acquisition, doing mergers, Indian culture, MSEs and other related topics. Methodology The data will be both quantitative and qualitative. The variable that will be of primary importance is the financial performance of small family owned textile businesses. This variable will be used to as the basis of information about the growth and development of small family owned textile business. This will be analyzed using inferential statistics by comparison of means to be generated by SPSS. Quantitative data that will be obtained from the respondents will be those that are related to financial performance. Qualitative data that will be obtained are those other information related to answering the research questions. Information will be gathered through personal interview. Questionnaire will also be used as a way to gather important information from the respondents. The chosen respondents are owners of small family owned textile business in the city of Surat (Guijarat), the textile hub of India. About ten percent of these businesses will be randomly chosen by the proponent. Random sampling will prevent bias and impartiality of information. Action Plan: The action plan of this study is presented in the Ghant Chart below. This is to ensure that the study will be implemented on a step by step process.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Situations Where Investors Do Not Diversify Assignment

Situations Where Investors Do Not Diversify - Assignment Example A diversified portfolio of investments, however, facilitates, distributing the risk factors across a number of securities issued by different firms. Therefore, if there are losses earned on a particular stock, it can be easily compensated by the profits earned on other stocks (Medo, Yeung & Zhang 2009). Investors are seen to diversify their portfolio by including not only common stock but also bonds and cash. Investing in stock is considered to be less risk induced than investing in debt securities. However, investments in stock do not yield fixed rates of return. The returns obtained from stock or the dividend earned depends upon the residual earnings of the firm. If a firm’s profits are high, it is likely that the returns are high. Since organizations operate in a complex business environment, it is difficult to predict the profits earned by a firm accurately. Considering such factors, investors find it risky to invest in common stock only (Loutskina & Strahan, 2011). Most i nvestors prefer including debt and other forms of borrowings in their portfolio. The advantage of including debt securities is that it facilitates fixed rates of returns. Investments made in cash are usually considered as a short-term reserve. Such investments can be liquidated easily. Usually, investors are seen to invest in money market securities so that they can be used in the state of emergencies. It is also important to understand that asset allocation and portfolio diversification are closely related. A diversified portfolio gets created through the allocation of assets (Goldstein & Pauzner, 2004). Diversification is required to be planned and approached with caution. Investors are normally seen to refrain from having a diversified portfolio during times when the market is highly volatile and there are risks associated with liquidity. Under such circumstances, investors avoid investing in debt and prefer common stock only. Hence, there is no limited diversification.Â